Style of Pietro Lombardo, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino and Saint Nicholas of Myra

Late 15th century
Church of Santo Stefano, Venice

The label in the church identifies the saint on the left as the Augustinian friar Nicholas of Tolentino. The statue does not feature the sunburst emblem sometimes seen on the breast of that saint, but he does have a tonsure and an Augustinian habit.

On the right the three gold balls identify the figure as St. Nicholas of Myra. As usual, he is bare-headed. Although a bishop, he appears to have the same kind of tonsure as the other Nicholas. Falcone does print one text that refers to him as an "archimandrite," which can mean a head of one or more monasteries (second page 1).

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Photographed at the site by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.